Herb Frittata
Persian Herb Frittata (Kookoo Sabzi)
April 21, 2017
Homemade Tortilla Scoops
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May 4, 2017

Garlic Parmesan Popped Sorghum

This Garlic Parmesan Popped Sorghum is a fun twist on regular popcorn and will satisfy your afternoon hunger and keep you full until your next meal! 


Step aside quinoa. Here comes the newest ancient grain in town. Sorghum! Never heard of it? No worries. I didn’t hear about it until the beginning of the year when it was listed as one of the top healthy food trends for 2017.  So of course I had to try it out.

Sorghum is a gluten free whole grain that can be cooked like rice or quinoa and served as a side dish, added to salads or grain bowls, or popped like popcorn. The options are endless. I was intrigued with its ability to be popped like popcorn so decided to try it out and see what they hype was all about.

Garlic Parmesan Popped Sorghum

Popped sorghum is similar in taste to regular popcorn but is much smaller in size and packs even more crunch. Making it a super satisfying afternoon snack. To take this popped sorghum to the next level I added Parmesan cheese (my favorite topping for just about anything!) and garlic powder. This snack not only satisfies that afternoon hunger but is packed with fiber and protein to help keep you full and satisfied until dinner!

Garlic Parmesan Popped Sorghum
Recipe type: Snack
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 4
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • ½ cup sorghum
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  1. In a medium saute pan on medium high heat add the vegetable oil. Add in the sorghum and cover with a tight fitting lid. Cook shaking frequently for 3-4 minutes or until sorghum stops popping.
  2. Remove popped sorghum from pot to a small bowl. Sprinkle on garlic powder, parmesan cheese and salt. Toss to combine.
  3. Enjoy warm or later as a snack.

Love Popcorn? Try my Maple Pecan Kettle Corn


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