Mexican Corn Salad
Mexican Corn Salad with Sriracha Almonds
June 29, 2015
Persian Cucumber Salad
Persian Cucumber and Herb Salad
July 21, 2015

Looking for a quick lunch idea or protein packed snack? Try my Tuna Guacamole that takes less that ten minutes to prepare and is packed with 22 grams of protein and only 210 calories a serving!

I am a huge fan of seafood, you name it I love it. Research has shown that the omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood helps promote cardiovascular health and can decrease your risk of anti-inflammatory diseases including cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.  The FDA recommends consuming at least 12 ounces or 2-3 servings of seafood a week. Canned tuna is a quick and healthy option for lunch or a weeknight dinner. Although canned tuna has gotten a bad rap over the years because of its mercury content, the FDA reports that consuming up to 6 ounces of tuna a week is safe. Not only is tuna packed with protein and naturally low in fat but it is a great source of B Vitamins.  This means it is the perfect fuel to keep you satisfied and energized throughout the day.Healthy Tuna Guacamole

Regular tuna salad is delicious but if you are looking to bump up the nutrition and switch up your plain old tuna salad, I have a life changing solution. Avocado!  Avocado is the perfect substitute to mayo. It adds the moisture and creaminess with only a quarter of the fat and calories. It also provides a healthy dose of heart healthy monounsaturated fats that can help reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your risk of heart disease. Just simply add one avocado to two cans of tuna for healthier tuna salad.

Healthy Tuna Guacamole

For a fun spin on tuna salad, I decided to add in flavors from another one of my favorite foods, guacamole. The cilantro, lime and jalapeno give this tuna salad an extra boost of flavor and color.  What makes this Tuna Guacamole great is that it can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. I added it to a slice of toast, but it can easily be added to a salad or eaten as a dip with raw veggies or whole grain tortilla chips.

Tuna Guacamole

A healthy spin on a classic lunch favorite.
Prep Time10 mins
Total Time10 mins
Course: Main Course, Salad
Cuisine: Mexican Inspired
Keyword: healthy tuna salad, tuna, tuna guacamole
Servings: 2 people
Author: Lauren Sharifi, MPH RD LDN


  • 1 can tuna drained
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 lime juiced
  • 1 tablespoon cilantro finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon red onion diced
  • 1/4 cup tomatoes chopped
  • salt/pepper to taste


  • In a medium bowl add tuna and avocado. Mash avocado and mix with tuna to combine.
  • Add in lime juice, cilantro, cumin, garlic powder, red onion, tomatoes, salt and pepper. Mix to combine.


Serve this Tuna Guacamole in a sandwich, on top of salad or as a dip with chips and raw veggies.

Love Tuna and Avocado?! Then check out my recipes for Tuna Avocado Cakes and Spicy Tuna Avocado Sushi Burrito !

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