Why It’s Ok to Serve Dessert to Your Kids

Easy Blueberry Lemon Icebox Cake
June 12, 2019
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September 5, 2019

Parents, it’s ok to serve dessert to your kids! No matter what you read on the internet or hear in the news.

Why it's Ok to Serve Dessert to Your Kids I’ve thought about this post for awhile now. There is just so much out there on the internet saying “sugar is bad”, “limit sweets”, “cut back on dessert”.   I want to cut through all this mess and tell you sugar is ok! I get so many questions from parents about sweets and how to handle them. Should they be “limiting”, “cutting back” “avoiding”. SUGAR is not the enemy, it only becomes a problem when we avoid or limit it.

I mean I get it, eating just sugar all day isn’t great for our health, but neither is just eating fruit. Also, avoiding foods that bring us joy and fun into our lives isn’t great for our health and often just leaves us wanting it more!

Why It's Ok to Serve Your Child Dessert

In raising our kids we want them to explore all foods and learn which foods they enjoy and learn how to eat them. Because dessert, sweets and treats aren’t going away. So this means we need to expose them to these foods.  Not make it a reward, but include it as a fun part of a meal or snack.

My son is a big chocolate fan, probably thanks to my love for chocolate.  😉 So guess what? Most days I offer him chocolate in some form WITH a meal or snack. I want him to learn that chocolate can be part of a meal. Chocolate is not superior or inferior to any other food. This practice not only allows him to enjoy all of his foods but is teaching him to listen and trust his body.  So when he’s out in the world making his own food choices he doesn’t feel crazy around food and eats an amount that is satisfying.

Why It's Ok to Serve Your Child Dessert


  1. At meals offer 1 serving of the dessert. Let your child decide when to consume and how much of served portion to eat. If they ask for more remind them that they can have another dessert ( i.e tomorrow or later this week).
  2. At snacks 1-3 times a week try offering dessert. (I recommend more frequently to start, especially if desserts have been restricted/avoided in the home or your child has been sneaking these food). At snacks let your child have as much as they want of the treat, allowing seconds or thirds if they wish. You can try offering with a more nutritious food like fruit, yogurt or milk. If this is new approach, your child may eat a lot at the beginning but over time you may notice a decrease in the amount they consume.

*Avoid making comments on the treat itself or how your child eats it. Offer it and let it go.


This is up to you and your family. It could be a few times a week or once a day. For my family I let my son have one treat a day. This is sometimes with lunch or dinner and once or twice a week for a snack.  There is no right or wrong with this, do what works best for your child and family!


Hope this was helpful! If you have any more questions on this topic feel free to contact me here!



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